Why Updating Your Medical History At Your Dentist Visit Is Important?

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Why does a dentist need to know about your other health issues, when you are just there to seethem about your teeth? You take medications, but this doesn’t affect your teeth, does it? It is important that your dentist is aware of your medical history and any medications you aretaking and is this updated regularly […]

Is Vaping Bad For My Teeth?

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Vapes are marketed as the ‘safer’ alternative to cigarettes. While there is no tobacco in vapes theydo contain nicotine and other harmful chemicals, that can affect your teeth. So what are the effects of vapes on my teeth? 1) Stained Teeth Both smoking and vaping introduce harmful chemicals such as nicotine, tar, and other toxinsto […]

Hate Trying To Floss & Considering A Water Flosser?

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You hate to floss right? I get it. Wrapping bits of string around your fingers and poking into difficult-to-access places, isn’t much fun. Plus it takes so much time and you are so busy! Do I even need to floss? Well, the short answer is.. yes, you do! Tooth brushing alone only cleans half the tooth making you […]

Tips to Overcome Feeling Anxious About Visiting The Dentist

Dentist Mackay Mackay Dental Clinic

For yourself and … probably a lot of people … a dentist visit can seem a very daunting experience.  Especially if it’s been a while since your last visit and you’ve got out of the routine. Maybe you’re worried about getting told off, or even what ‘delights’ the dentist may find? I can assure you, […]

Is Your Mouth Good For Your Health?

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It’s easy to think, ‘I have a couple of bad teeth, I maybe need a filling or two… but it’s only my teeth that suffer’. But this is definitely not the case. Apart from probably having stinky breath, did you know that poor dental hygiene can impact your overall health as well? Dental problems have been linked with […]

4 Simple Steps to Good Dental Health & Avoiding Costly Dentist Treatments

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Life is so busy, running around after the kids, keeping the house in order, work…. It often seems there isn’t enough time for you! Good Dental Health – When it comes to looking well, having a confident smile and avoiding costly dentist visits there are 4 quick and easy steps you can start doing today. […]

How to Prevent Teeth Grinding & TMD Facial Pain

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Are you a clencher or grinder?Do you grit your teeth when you’re angry?Do you wake up with a sore tired jaw, painful face or struggle with headaches?Stress can cause teeth grinding and you may notice your teeth wearing away. Do you worry that your teeth will wear out before you do and not look as […]

Quick & Easy Ways to Prevent Dental Problems

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Toothache, abscess, gum disease….. ouch – these don’t sound like fun, do they? Dental problems are painful, unhealthy and costly to fix and you don’t have time for that! You want the best for your family and yourself, so how do you prevent these things? Here are my tips for helping to prevent dental problems […]

The New Tooth Decay Busting Superfood

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Xylitol could mean 40% fewer cavities? It’s being touted as a new superfood for teeth, claiming to reduce tooth decay and is now being added to toothpastes and chewing gum for this reason. It isn’t just good for teeth; it’s recommended in the natural health community and in many anti-candida recipes and diets.  It’s been […]

Tips and Tricks for Cleaning your Braces

Crooked teeth issues

Cleaning Your Braces As a dentist I know that many people who wear teeth braces struggle to clean them properly and get quite concerned about it. Some people hate the thought of getting food stuck in their teeth and it looking unsightly. We all know how embarrassing it is to have a piece of lettuce […]