Defeating Dental Decay: A Smile-Saving Guide

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At My Dentist Mackay, we are here to help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. Dental decayor cavities as it is commonly known, is a common oral health issue that affects people of all ages. Let’sexplore the causes, prevention, and treatment options for dental decay, empowering you to takecontrol of your oral health and […]


Invisalign Cost Mackay

Are you thinking about Invisalign? Are you unhappy with your smile? Do you have crowded teeth, gappy teeth, an uneven smile or an overbite? Do you wish you didn’t have to hide your smile and could smile confidently? Invisalign is a popular treatment to help achieve the smile you want. It is never too late to […]

How Can I Keep My Teeth White?

Teeth Whitening - My Dentist Mackay

Great question! After teeth whitening, there are a few simple steps you can take to help maintain your results: FYI whitening toothpastes don’t whiten teeth (despite whatever they are saying on Tik Tok ;). You are better to save the extra money you spend to get a special ‘tooth whitening’ toothpaste and save that money […]

Porcelain or Ceramic Veneers

Composite Veneers Mackay

Would you like a nicer smile? Who wouldn’t – right?! Porcelain or composite veneers are a great option for achieving this.  What is the difference and which is better for you? Porcelain veneers are the ‘premium’ option. They are thin ceramic covers bonded to the teeth, which custom made in a premium dental laboratory. They provide the […]

Unlock Your Best Smile With Invisalign

Mackay Invisalign

Unlock Your Best Smile With Invisalign Are you embarrassed to smile?  Do you wish you’d had braces as a child and didn’t have to worry about your teeth as an adult? Do you want to fix your teeth, but don’t want others to know about it. Well… these days we have Invisalign.  This treatment offers […]

Smile Makeover

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How To Get The Smile You’ve Always Wanted: Smile Makeover Are you embarrassed to smile in photos?  Are your teeth yellow? Do your kids comment on your teeth?  You don’t have to wait for a special occasion to treat yourself to a new smile… If you have dull, crooked, ‘gappy’, misshapen, worn teeth, or even […]

Let’s Plan Your Smile Makeover

Smile Confidence

Plan Your Smile Makeover It’s time. You’re tired of the way your teeth look. You’ve worked hard, looked after everyone else, and now it is time to do something for you (finally…)  You’ve been self-conscious about your smile for a while now and would love to be able to relax and have the confidence that […]

What You Can Do If You’re Embarrassed To Smile

Smile Concerns

Do you find yourself putting your hand over your mouth when you’re talking or keeping your mouth closed when you smile? If you feel self conscious about your less than perfect teeth, help is at hand. Beautiful teeth aren’t just for models, movie stars and the Kardashians anymore now that cosmetic dentistry is readily available and […]

Teeth Getting Darker? Time For a Freshen Up

Teeth Whitening - My Dentist Mackay

Have you noticed that over the years your teeth start to darken and look more yellow? As well as age causing teeth yellowing, some common antibiotics can also cause teeth to look grey, add to that mix some everyday foods that stain your teeth and over time your smile loses its brightness. Imagine if you […]