Tips to Overcome Feeling Anxious About Visiting The Dentist

Dentist Mackay Mackay Dental Clinic

For yourself and … probably a lot of people … a dentist visit can seem a very daunting experience.  Especially if it’s been a while since your last visit and you’ve got out of the routine. Maybe you’re worried about getting told off, or even what ‘delights’ the dentist may find? I can assure you, […]

Is Your Mouth Good For Your Health?

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It’s easy to think, ‘I have a couple of bad teeth, I maybe need a filling or two… but it’s only my teeth that suffer’. But this is definitely not the case. Apart from probably having stinky breath, did you know that poor dental hygiene can impact your overall health as well? Dental problems have been linked with […]

The Top 5 Questions Dentists Get Asked

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With so much information out there and so many adverts across all media for all kinds of dental products it’s hard to know what to believe. Of course, you should always quiz your dentist on anything you’re not sure about. Your dentist is going to be a more trustworthy source of info than some hyped-up […]

Ugh! I’m Sick! What Should I Do To Protect My Teeth?

Discoloured teeth

The last thing you think about when you’re sick is caring for your teeth. You’re probably sleeping, resting and  just trying to get through the day until you feel better. You could be sick due to pregnancy, cancer treatment (such as chemotherapy), cold/ flu or lots of other reasons. Vomiting can wreak havoc on your […]

Help!… My Kids Won’t Brush Their Teeth!

Children Dentist Mackay

My Kids Won’t Brush Their Teeth! Wanting the best for your kids means you want them to have strong, healthy teeth too. You know they have to brush their teeth (and floss as well!) but it’s a battle – just like getting them to eat what you put in their lunchbox or dragging them away […]

Let’s Plan Your Smile Makeover

Smile Confidence

Plan Your Smile Makeover It’s time. You’re tired of the way your teeth look. You’ve worked hard, looked after everyone else, and now it is time to do something for you (finally…)  You’ve been self-conscious about your smile for a while now and would love to be able to relax and have the confidence that […]

What You Can Do If You’re Embarrassed To Smile

Smile Concerns

Do you find yourself putting your hand over your mouth when you’re talking or keeping your mouth closed when you smile? If you feel self conscious about your less than perfect teeth, help is at hand. Beautiful teeth aren’t just for models, movie stars and the Kardashians anymore now that cosmetic dentistry is readily available and […]

Teeth Getting Darker? Time For a Freshen Up

Teeth Whitening - My Dentist Mackay

Have you noticed that over the years your teeth start to darken and look more yellow? As well as age causing teeth yellowing, some common antibiotics can also cause teeth to look grey, add to that mix some everyday foods that stain your teeth and over time your smile loses its brightness. Imagine if you […]

4 Simple Steps to Good Dental Health & Avoiding Costly Dentist Treatments

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Life is so busy, running around after the kids, keeping the house in order, work…. It often seems there isn’t enough time for you! Good Dental Health – When it comes to looking well, having a confident smile and avoiding costly dentist visits there are 4 quick and easy steps you can start doing today. […]

How to Prevent Teeth Grinding & TMD Facial Pain

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Are you a clencher or grinder?Do you grit your teeth when you’re angry?Do you wake up with a sore tired jaw, painful face or struggle with headaches?Stress can cause teeth grinding and you may notice your teeth wearing away. Do you worry that your teeth will wear out before you do and not look as […]