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Crooked teeth issues

Tips and Tricks for Cleaning your Braces

Cleaning Your Braces As a dentist I know that many people who wear teeth braces struggle to clean them properly and get quite concerned about it. Some people hate the thought of getting food stuck in their teeth and it looking unsightly. We all know how embarrassing it is to

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Best and Worst Foods for Teeth, Some May Surprise You!

Best and Worst Foods for Teeth, Some May Surprise You!

We find people are often surprised that they could have cavities, as they don’t eat any of the usual suspects (lollies) that cause tooth decay.  Unfortunately a lot of foods, well almost all food apart from water and plain vegetables can cause tooth decay.  What makes things worse is the

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Yellow teeth

Cheat Dentist and How Preferred Provider Schemes Work

There is a growing trend these days for health funds to refer their members to so call ‘preferred’ providers or to their ‘own’ dentists in clinics owned by the health fund. This is how these ‘schemes’ work: the dentist signs a contract with the health fund, agreeing to provide the

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What are loupes and why your dentist must wear them

What Are Loupes and Why Your Dentist Must Wear Them?

Loupes are the funny magnifying glasses that dentists wear, like those in the photo above. The main benefit is that they allow us to see everything in your mouth magnified and in much better detail.  Dental treatment is very precise; 1mm can make a huge difference in terms of success

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Do I Really Need To Floss

Do I Really Need To Floss?

Recently, flossing has become a ‘hot topic’ and whether we need to floss is being debated in the media. A recent report in the Associated Press indicates that there is little research-based evidence for the effectiveness of flossing. Dentist’s opinion on this is pretty clear. You’ve probably heard the old dentist

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