The Top 5 Questions Dentists Get Asked

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With so much information out there and so many adverts across all media for all kinds of dental products it’s hard to know what to believe. Of course, you should always quiz your dentist on anything you’re not sure about. Your dentist is going to be a more trustworthy source of info than some hyped-up […]

Ugh! I’m Sick! What Should I Do To Protect My Teeth?

Discoloured teeth

The last thing you think about when you’re sick is caring for your teeth. You’re probably sleeping, resting and  just trying to get through the day until you feel better. You could be sick due to pregnancy, cancer treatment (such as chemotherapy), cold/ flu or lots of other reasons. Vomiting can wreak havoc on your […]

Is an Electric Toothbrush Better Than a Regular Toothbrush?

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On average, you will spend around 852 hours or 35.5 days during your life brushing your teeth. That’s a lot of time! You want to make sure you’re doing the most you can to prevent dental problems for yourself and your family. So are these electric toothbrushes any good and are they going to do a […]

Mouthwash – Is it worth it?

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You want to prevent dental problems, what about using a mouthwash?  Are they any good? Does it ‘blast away dental problems, kill germs and fights bad breath’ like the adverts claim? If you just swish with mouthwash, all your dental problems just disappear. Sigh.. if only if it was like that. If only what they say […]

Do I Really Need To Floss?

Do I Really Need To Floss

Recently, flossing has become a ‘hot topic’ and whether we need to floss is being debated in the media. A recent report in the Associated Press indicates that there is little research-based evidence for the effectiveness of flossing. Dentist’s opinion on this is pretty clear. You’ve probably heard the old dentist saying ‘you don’t have to floss […]